git --git-dir_我们从Git中学到的经验教训可以帮助我们克服COVID-19
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In this article, I'll discuss how a small tech team found itself in the middle of a national emergency in Spain. And what their use of git revert can teach us about dealing with COVID-19 in our personal lives.

在本文中,我将讨论一个小型技术团队如何在西班牙发生国家紧急状态时发现自己。 并且他们使用git revert可以教我们如何在个人生活中处理COVID-19。

介绍 (Intro)

It was late in the afternoon of Wednesday 11th of March 2020. There were a few of us left in the office in the centre of Madrid as we got notified to take our laptops with us home today. Starting the day after we were to work remotely until further notice.

到了2020年3月11日(星期三)下午,在马德里市中心的办公室里,当我们接到通知要今天将笔记本电脑带回家时,我们当中有些人离开了。 从我们进行远程工作的第二天开始,直到另行通知。

Two days earlier the government had closed all schools and universities because of the Coronavirus emergency. There was a lot of uncertainty, and things were changing at a fast pace. None of us really knew what was going to happen next.

两天前,由于冠状病毒的紧急情况,政府关闭了所有学校和大学。 存在很多不确定性,并且事情正在快速变化。 我们谁都不知道接下来会发生什么。

The mood became sombre as we packed our stuff. We started making grim predictions about how long it would be before we came back. Little did we know that we were a few days away from a declaration of a nation-wide state of emergency. And that at the time of writing we are still weeks away from going back to that office in the centre of Madrid.

当我们收拾东西时,心情变得阴沉。 我们开始做出严峻的预测,预测我们回来之前还需要多长时间。 我们几乎不知道我们距离宣布全国紧急状态还差几天。 而且在撰写本文时,距离回到马德里市中心的办公室还有几周的路程。

I want to share with you this article in two sections. The first a quick tour of how my team found itself at the centre of this national emergency. To give you an idea about how we reacted.

我想分两部分与您分享这篇文章。 首先快速浏览一下我的团队如何将自己置于国家紧急状态的中心。 让您了解我们的React。

But in essence, I'm sharing this with you because I found a valuable lesson in that response for my personal life. And I'm hoping you too might find some value in it as we all deal with this worsening COVID-19 crisis and the changing world around us.

但本质上,我要与您分享这件事,因为我从自己的人生中找到了宝贵的经验教训。 我希望您也能从中找到一些价值,因为我们所有人都在应对不断恶化的COVID-19危机和不断变化的世界。

At the heart of all of this is a little checkbox titled "Revert".


在飓风眼中 (In the eye of the hurricane)

I'm a front-end developer at Lola Market. It's a Spanish startup based in Madrid. Our business is offering a platform for online grocery shopping. Users can do their grocery shopping online from a wide selection of markets and supermarkets. Their orders then get sent to shoppers who can deliver it to their doorstep within an hour.

我是劳拉市场的前端开发人员。 这是一家总部位于马德里的西班牙创业公司。 我们的业务为在线杂货店购物提供了平台。 用户可以从各种各样的市场和超市在线进行杂货店购物。 然后将他们的订单发送给购物者,他们可以在一小时内将其交付到他们家门口。

This has suddenly become an essential service right now.  If you are reading this and you are one of the millions that are currently on lockdown because of the coronavirus I don't need to explain to you why. But for posterity, I will. Believe it or not, this will all soon pass, and there will come a moment when it's not as evident as it is now.

目前,这突然成为一项必不可少的服务。 如果您正在阅读本文,并且您是由于冠状病毒而目前处于锁定状态的数百万人之一,那么我不需要向您解释原因。 但是为了后代,我会的。 信不信由你,这一切很快就会过去,并且会有片刻不像现在这样明显。

Once the Spanish government declared the state of emergency the entire country went into lockdown. People were no longer allowed to leave their homes except for essentials.

西班牙政府宣布紧急状态后,整个国家便陷入封锁。 除了必需品外,人们不再被允许离开家。

Certain groups were in total quarantine which doesn't allow them to leave the house at all. This includes people who have any COVID-19 symptoms. Those who had contact with anyone who tested positive. Or people in high-risk groups.

某些团体完全隔离,因此根本无法离开家。 这包括具有任何COVID-19症状的人。 与测试阳性的人有联系的人。 或高危人群。

In light of all this, getting shopping ordered online and delivered to the home stopped being a convenience. It was now a necessity for many people.

有鉴于此,网上订购购物并送货上门不再是一种便利。 现在,这对于许多人来说都是必需的。

Lola Market, on the eve of the declaration of the state of emergency, was still a small startup. I have been there for nearly two years during which time we have seen steady and impressive growth.

在宣布紧急状态的前夕,萝拉市场仍然是一家小型创业公司。 我去过那里将近两年,期间我们看到了稳定而令人印象深刻的增长。

We had changed offices a year ago and almost doubled in number. But we were still barely 40 people in total. The tech team is made up of 11 people, 8 of whom are developers. Our customer care team is even smaller.

我们在一年前换了办公室,人数几乎翻了一番。 但是我们总共仍然只有40个人。 技术团队由11人组成,其中8人为开发人员。 我们的客户服务团队甚至更小。

The CEO only a few weeks earlier was talking about getting ready for the moment of exponential growth that we were working towards. But we had no idea that a worldwide pandemic was going to catapult us there so soon at this vertiginous speed.

就在几周前,CEO谈到正在为我们正在努力的指数式增长做好准备。 但是我们不知道世界范围的大流行会以如此惊人的速度如此Swift地扑灭我们。

洪水 (The flood)

Once the state of emergency was declared, we instantly started breaking all sorts of records. We watched as the number of orders exploded.

宣布紧急状态后,我们立即开始打破各种记录。 我们看着订单数量猛增。

At first, all went well. But the numbers kept growing and growing. By the second week of the lockdown, the demand had exceeded everything that could be handled.

一开始,一切顺利。 但是这个数字还在增长。 到锁定的第二周,需求已经超出了可以应付的一切。

Customer care department was overwhelmed with thousands of emails and calls. Operations were struggling as supermarkets suffered serious shortages, long lines, early closures, and a lot of restrictions. As well as not having enough shoppers to cover the demand.

客户服务部门不计其数的电子邮件和电话。 由于超级市场严重短缺,排长队,过早关闭和许多限制,经营陷入困境。 以及没有足够的购物者来满足需求。

And our tech infrastructure started to suffer under a pressure that wasn't just coming from a huge increase of traffic. But also because the tools we had were being used in an atypical manner that didn't follow what we were used to with our usual user before the emergency. The entire country was stressed and under pressure. Everyone needed to cover their essentials.

而且,我们的技术基础架构开始承受着巨大的压力,这不仅仅是来自流量的巨大增长。 而且还因为我们所使用的工具以非典型的方式使用,没有遵循我们在紧急情况之前对普通用户的习惯。 整个国家都感到压力重重。 每个人都需要掩盖他们的必需品。

One has to count their blessings though. Personally I was grateful to be in this situation. All around me people were losing their jobs in a blink of an eye.

不过,必须数数他们的祝福。 我个人很高兴能遇到这种情况。 在我周围,人们眨眨眼就失去了工作。

And it wasn't just that we had a job to go to, it was that our job gave us the sensation that we are contributing to relief in a state of emergency. Even if it was in the smallest way possible. It gave us a purpose and made what we are doing worthwhile. And that's more than one could ask for in a dire situation like this.

不仅仅是我们有工作要做,还因为我们的工作给我们带来了一种感觉,即我们在紧急状态下为救济做出了贡献。 即使以最小的方式进行。 它给了我们一个目标,并使我们所做的事情值得。 在如此严峻的形势下,这不只是一个人所要求的。

调动,转移 (The shift)

Pretty early on, we had a meeting and our CTO told us how we needed to shift our priorities and respond to the sudden change.


We were in the middle of an important sprint finishing off the last projects of the quarter. But most of those projects were no longer a priority. The sprint needed to be suspended as we started dealing with the more urgent matters coming up.

我们正在完成本季度的最后一个项目的重要冲刺中。 但是其中大多数项目不再是优先事项。 当我们开始处理即将出现的更为紧急的事情时,需要暂停冲刺。

In the first week, we needed to figure out ways to help out the rest of the team in other departments to deal with the great volume they were facing.


Even something as simple as moving a menu in an internal tool to be easily accessible could save hours of work when you are dealing with so much sudden demand. But by the second week, we had even more serious issues to deal with to be able to absorb and control the surge in demand on our infrastructure.

在处理如此多的突然需求时,即使像在内部工具中移动菜单这样易于访问的简单操作,也可以节省工作时间。 但是到第二周,我们要处理甚至更严重的问题,才能吸收和控制对基础设施的需求激增。

变化 (The changes)

Over these last few weeks, we've had to implement a lot of changes on the fly to deal with this ever-changing situation. Some of the things entrusted to the tech team to solve included:

在过去的几周中,我们不得不即时进行大量更改以应对这种不断变化的情况。 委托技术团队解决的一些事情包括:

  • Showing dynamic and clearer information to our users about the situation and about the state of their orders.

  • Simplifying and automating parts of the process of on-boarding new shoppers to speed up the process and help meet the demand.

  • Trying to show more realistic availability of delivery time slots.

  • Big improvements and optimisations of infrastructure, performance, customer care tools, operations tools, and the shopper app.

  • Automation of many internal tasks, especially those that have become repetitive.

  • Making the API load lighter.


Disclaimer: This is a personal article and not an official statement from the company. At the time of writing we are still in the thick of it. Some changes are already deployed. Others we are still implementing. And the situation is constantly changing.

免责声明:这是个人文章,而不是公司的正式声明。 在撰写本文时,我们仍处于困境之中。 已经部署了一些更改。 其他我们仍在实施中。 情况在不断变化。

紧急清单 (The emergency list)

You can imagine that working in such circumstances is a challenge for any team, let alone a team of such a small size. It has been stressful and exhilarating in equal parts.

您可以想象在这样的环境下工作对任何团队都是一个挑战,更不用说规模如此小的团队了。 这一直令人感到压力和振奋。

But I'm lucky to work with such a positive team. Especially the 4-person back end squad who dealt stoically with moments of complete meltdown and figured out solutions at an astonishing speed.

但我很幸运能与如此积极的团队合作。 尤其是4人后端小队,他们刻板地处理着彻底崩溃的时刻,并以惊人的速度找出解决方案。

This brings me to the element that connects the two sections of this article: the emergency list.


To deal with all these tasks, and the constant shifts, we created an emergency list. It's a simple list of tasks in a Notion table. As the situation evolved the list kept on growing and the tasks kept altering in priority.

为了处理所有这些任务和不断变化的情况,我们创建了一个紧急清单。 这是一个概念表中的简单任务列表。 随着形势的发展,清单不断增加,任务的优先级不断变化。

The most important part of that list for our story here is the column titled "Revert". The column contains a checkbox next to each task. It is this little checkbox that resonated with me and gave me an idea about how I should be dealing with this crisis on a personal level too.

对于我们的故事,该列表中最重要的部分是标题为“还原”的列。 该列在每个任务旁边都包含一个复选框。 正是这个小复选框引起了我的共鸣,使我对如何应对个人危机也有了一个想法。

还原 (Revert )

We use the "Revert" checkbox to indicate clearly if this is a task that should be reverted once this is all over or not.


If the revert checkbox is checked it means it's a task that we are doing now to solve a specific problem that, once the crisis is over and we're back to normal, we'll need to revert.


This is something that only has value in this emergency and its context. It serves a purpose now, but will no longer be needed later. Many of these changes will, in fact, be downright harmful once the emergency passes.

这仅在紧急情况及其背景下具有价值。 它现在已达到目的,但以后将不再需要。 实际上,一旦紧急情况过去,这些变化中的许多变化将完全有害。

If this checkbox is unchecked, it means that whatever we are changing is staying after the crisis is over. It's something that we knew all along we needed to do but hadn't come around doing it. But because of this situation has become a priority.

如果未选中此复选框,则意味着危机结束后,我们所做的更改仍然存在。 这是我们一直以来都需要做的事情,但是并没有绕过来做。 但是由于这种情况已成为当务之急。

Or it's something we didn't see and it's become obvious now. These are things to help us scale better, and improve our service in general. They are things that are settling a technical debt that has become vital to pay. They are improvements to our codebase, our infrastructure, or our processes that are beneficial in the long run and not just for now.

或者这是我们没有看到的,现在变得很明显。 这些都是可以帮助我们更好地扩展并改善总体服务的东西。 这些事情正在解决技术债务,这对于支付债务至关重要。 它们是对我们的代码库,基础结构或流程的改进,这些改进从长远来看是有益的,而不仅仅是现在。

What we are doing is we are thinking of the future, of what happens once all this passes. Because it will. And life will go back to its natural course. We will be changed, and the world around us too. But life will carry on.

我们正在做的是我们正在思考未来,这一切一旦过去就会发生什么。 因为会。 生活将恢复自然。 我们将会改变,我们周围的世界也会改变。 但是生活会继续下去。

A pandemic that most of us weren't prepared to face created havoc in our lives and our businesses. But we cannot permit this crisis to create total chaos in our lives afterwards too. We should be prepared for the time it all passes.

我们大多数人不准备面对的流行病在我们的生活和业务中造成了破坏。 但是我们也不能允许这场危机以后在我们的生活中造成彻底的混乱。 我们应该为一切过去做好准备。

将还原应用于我们的个人生活 (Applying the revert to our personal lives)

So how does any of this relate to our lives as we deal with this COVID-19 world we're living in and its aftermath?


Simply put, we all need a revert checkbox. We need it next to the many changes we are applying to our lives. Changes we are applying to deal with the virus, with our jobs, with our families and the world at large as we navigate this unprecedented situation.

简而言之,我们都需要一个还原复选框。 我们需要在生活中应用的许多变化旁边。 在应对这种前所未有的局面时,我们正在采取一些应对措施,以应对病毒,工作,家庭以及整个世界。

For me, I'm keeping a similar kind of list for my personal life. We can all have a list like this one. Document it the way you know best. Whether it's a written list, a mental list or any other type of documenting you usually use. It doesn't matter. What matters is to have that "Revert" checkbox.

对我来说,我的个人生活一直保持着类似的清单。 我们都可以有一个这样的清单。 用最了解的方式记录下来。 无论是书面清单,心理清单还是您通常使用的任何其他类型的文档。 没关系 重要的是具有该“还原”复选框。

As we all grapple with this extraordinary situation and all the fear, hardship, uncertainty, and even tragedy it brings with it. We all have a list of things we are doing born out of this emergency.

当我们所有人都在应对这种非同寻常的局势以及随之而来的所有恐惧,困难,不确定性甚至悲剧时。 我们都有一份在这种紧急情况下诞生的事情清单。

We need to keep clear what needs to be reverted later and what needs to stay. We are very quick to form habits. Many of us have already spent a month indoors. Many more will follow suit soon as this thing keeps spreading. We can't even tell how long we are going to be in this situation.

我们需要弄清楚以后需要恢复什么,保留什么。 我们很快就会养成习惯。 我们许多人已经在室内呆了一个月。 只要这件事不断蔓延,还会有更多人效仿。 我们甚至无法确定在这种情况下我们要待多久。

So we need to keep that revert checkbox as prominent as possible.


We need to examine the list of changes that we are applying to our new reality.


If it's something that is improving us and our lives, keep that checkbox clear. Maybe you realised you should call your Mum more often. Or nurture your old friendships. Or spend more time with your kids. Or never take for granted the hugs you can give to your grandparents.

如果这能改善我们和我们的生活,请清除该复选框。 也许您意识到自己应该更频繁地打电话给妈妈。 或培养您的旧友谊。 或者花更多时间陪伴孩子。 或永远不要把您可以给祖父母的拥抱视为理所当然。

Maybe it's something as simple as being thankful that you can have a beer with your friends. Or listening to a busker on a busy street corner on your way back from work.

也许这很简单,因为很高兴您可以和朋友一起喝啤酒。 或在下班途中在繁忙的街道拐角处听街头艺人。

Mark those as habits to keep. Things to continue working on and improving after this passes.

将这些标记为要养成的习惯。 通过之后,事情将继续进行下去并有所改善。

But for anything else, all those things that will not be helpful after. We need to check the "Revert" box.

但是,对于其他所有事情,之后将无济于事。 我们需要选中“还原”框。

All the things that are helping us survive an ordeal, helping us cope with this, deal with it. All the fears that are important to keeping us on our toes and staying safe. All the extra precautions. The distancing. The little things we are allowing ourselves. The indulgences. The excesses. All those things that will quickly become harmful to us in a life after COVID-19.

所有帮助我们度过磨难,帮助我们应对,应对的事物。 所有对我们保持警惕和保持安全至关重要的恐惧。 所有额外的预防措施。 疏远。 我们所允许的小事情。 放纵。 多余的东西。 在COVID-19之后的生活中,所有将很快对我们有害的事物。

For those make sure you check the "Revert" checkbox with a big fat green marker. ✅

对于这些,请确保选中带有大号绿色标记的“还原”复选框。 ✅

Once this is over, it'll be time to revert. Time to undo all that and move forward.

一旦结束,就该恢复了。 是时候撤销所有这些并继续前进了。

奥托罗 (Outro)

Thank you for reading. I hope you and your loved ones stay safe and that life returns to normal for all of us very soon.

感谢您的阅读。 希望您和您所爱的人保持安全,并希望我们所有人的生活早日恢复正常。

And good luck with your revert checkboxes.



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